English : 12/02/25   Hijri : 

Degrees of Darul Uloom Jais

1. Afflicted from U.P. Madrsa Education Board.
2. Registered by Government of India
3. Afflicted from Ministry of Human Resource development & Department of higher Education Government of India.

Certificate & Degree Issued by Darul Uloom Jais :
1. Fazilat
2. Alimiat
3. Hifze Quran Kareem
4. Quirat wa Tajweed
5. Urdu Diploma
6. Arabic Diploma
7. All Degrees of Uttar Pradesh Madrsa Education Board Munshi, Molvi, Kamil & fazil,
8. Computer Diploma (D.T.P) (Proposed)

Present Department of Darul Uloom Jais :
1. Department of Alim Fazil
2. Department of Learning Quran by heart (Hafiza)
3. Department of Quirate Quran
4. Department of Primary education
5. Department of Fatawa
6. Department of Urdu Diploma
7. Department of Arabic Diploma
8. Department of Publishing Islamic Books & Pamphlets 
9. Department of Computer Education  

Future Plans of Darul Uloom Jais :
1. Big Masjid  
2. Huge library
3. Department of research
4. One large hostel 
5. Sayed Naim Ashraf Degree College
6. Staff family Quarter